How many wins will the Terps Football Team have this year?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What!?! Why?? But.. Oh.. Yeah you're right

why must the redskins have the worst organization in all of sports? Can we ever be content with the players we have? I guess not. Just recently, rumors of the Redskins trying to acquire Broncos quarterback Jay cutler in a trade surfaced. The redskins were willing to give up current quarterback Jason Campbell in order to complete the deal. The Broncos instead accepted a deal from Chicago sending Cutler to the Bears. So the Redskins were left with Campbell, a big armed young quarterback from an SEC school with a 16-20 record as a starter. Wait...doesn't that sound a lot like Jay Cutler? (almost exactly, except for Cutler's 17-20 record). Luckily, Campbell was classy enough to realize that Daniel Synder and Vinny Cerato are complete idiots, and is glad to be the Redskins quarterback. Things could have turned out exactly as they did for Cutler, who felt hurt by the Broncos after they tried to trade him for Matt Cassel. Honestly, grow up. Football is a business, and until you can man up you will never be a championship quarterback, just one big cry baby. Its quarterbacks like Jason Campbell that win rings, guys that when something like this happens, it just motivates him more. The Redskins organization doesn't deserve a Jason Campbell, maybe thats why we tried to get him. Our organization deserves a Jay Cutler, a primadonna. It seems as though the Redskins aren't following the mold of other successful NFL franchises by DEVELOPING talent, instead of impatient buying any big name free agent possible. Which reminds me, rumors have surfaced that the SKins tampered with DL Albert Hanyesworth before he became a free agent. This is probably true. Now when I read these things in the paper or see them on TV, Am I really that surprised? I've pretty much became accustomed to the stupidity and lack of common sense with out franchise. Until we start making wiser decisions, we will never be a championship team. By the way, mad props to the terps for beating both teams in the national championship.

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