So the other day one of my very close jewish friends (not going to call them out =] ) tried to introduced my to on

e of the worst "bands" i have ever heard in my life. Sorry but I have to do it. When a group like 3oh!3 comes along, it makes you really question the substance and quality of music these days. Basically this band is 2 white guys from BOULDER, COLORADO that rap over techno beats. Not a good start. Get this: With lines like "Bitches with the huge tits, new gat, new slips" and "I'm a vegetarian I'm not even scared of him" it makes you really wonder what the world has come to. Maybe people like them for the beats, cuz it certainly cannot be the lyrics. Last time I checked, Vegetarian and scared of him do not rhyme. At all. And one can assume that these two guys from boulder, colorado, do not get girls, do not have money, and do not have guns. Instead, they decided to write songs about the life they wish they had so some teenage girls and homosexual men will buy their CDs so maybe they can make a little bit of dough. Honestly, we hear enough of this sex, drugs, and...yeah just sex and drugs from all the other 35749687 rappers in the world today. I'd rather not hear it from two more wannabe Malibu's Most Wanted white boys. No Thanks.
To save us all, I've decided to let you guys know about a band that is way better. Pepper. They are 3 guys from Kona, Hawaii and play ska/alternative/rock. They have a very laid back flow, good party music, and good for long road trips.

They aren't really a mainstream sort of band, so if thats what your looking for, then you won't find it here. They sound a lot like Sublime, and are greatly influenced by them as well. I am a huge Sublime fan, and trust me, Pepper does not let you down in any way. Some critics think that Kaleo Wassman (guitar/vocals) is trying to be like Bradley Nowell from Sublime, but the more you listen to these guys, the differences become more apparent. With that being said, Pepper is the closest thing to Sublime due to the fact that Sublime no longer plays due to Nowell's tragic death in 1996. I would recommend searching these guys up on iTunes if you have the time. Look at the Albums, "Kona Town" and "NO Shame". Some good songs are "Ashes", "Give It Up", and "No Control". SO give these guys a chance and tell me what you think. Peace.
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